The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us
What does this mean? What is this all about ?
These words cuts to the very basis of Christianity; what this faith is which has given us this wonderful feast.
Is Christianity based on a Book, which holds these words and which inspires us by their wisdom and their poetry? No, it is much more than this.
So is it a set of beliefs and doctrines, which tell us the meaning of these events and which set out their inner truth? No, it is very much more.
Is it then a comfortable feeling, a sense of security, the awareness of a loving presence who cares for us and wants the best for us? No, only in part.
So is Christianity a way of life, a guide to right and wrong, a collection of pointers to truly moral action so that we may know and live true goodness? No, again, this is not enough.
So is it a collection of rituals and ceremonies, music and singing, inspiring by their beauty and lifting our hearts above our daily lives? No, it goes further.
This faith, that has given us this great feast of Christmas, is not based on a Book, nor a Belief, nor a Feeling, nor a Moral Code, nor even a Ritual. This faith is faith in a Person, God made Man, Jesus Christ. We celebrate his birth. He, the Word of God through whom all the world was created takes flesh and come to dwell among us. He shares our lives, our joys and sorrows, so that we might share his.
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