Friday, March 06, 2015

Lent 3 : Bidding Prayers / Intercessions / Prayer of the Faithful

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Priest: Let us turn to God, our Father in heaven, for the needs of the Church and of the world:

Reader: For Pope Francis; clergy and religious; and for the whole Church. May we work together in our calling to be faithful witnesses, and so draw all we meet to experience the love and power of the Gospel.
Lord in your mercy

For vocations to the priesthood, permanent diaconate and religious life. May the Holy Spirit guide the hearts and minds of those called by the Lord and give them courage to commit their lives unstintingly to the service of others. Lord in your mercy

For the sick, the elderly and those who are housebound, especially for the people of Sierra Leone; those who have died from, or are affected by Ebola; those now orphaned; and for all doctors, nurses, carers and aid-workers. May they know the comforting love and the healing power of Christ. Lord in your mercy.

For all who have departed this life, that Christ, the light of the world, may draw them to new life and fullness of redemption in the heavenly kingdom. Lord in your mercy

We ask Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, for her intercession, as we pray: Hail Mary…

We pause in silent reflection with our personal intentions.

Priest: Father, hear the prayers of your people, and grant us the strength and courage to be faithful to the mission you have called us to live. We make these and all our prayers through Jesus Christ, your Son, Our Lord. Amen

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